
2D Echocardiography is a diagnostic technique performed specifically to detect anomalies in the cardiac tissue. It is a non-invasive test which makes use of sound waves to re create images of various parts of the heart. This helps to diagnose presence of coronary blockages, defects in cardiac valves, obstructed blood flow within heart muscles etc.

You may need a 2D Echo if :

  • You get recurring chest pain with breathlessness
  • You have symptoms of cardiac dysfunction with strong family history of the same
  • You are due to undergo heart surgery soon
  • You are recovering from a recent heart surgery

Galaxy Multispeciality Hospital and Critical Care Center Latur is equipped with a state-of-the art 2D Echo facility. The top cardiologists in the town perform the procedure on patients with error free results. M.D doctors are available at all times in the 2D Echo laboratory to assists patients with cardiac emergency.