Hemodialysis Machine

Hemodialysis is a medical treatment procedure to purify the patient’s blood by getting rid of excess salts, fluids, and metabolic wastes circulating in the blood. A specialized hemodialysis machine will draw blood from the patient’s veins, purify it and another tube attached to another vein in the patient’s body will return the blood.

At Galaxy Hospital Latur, we have one of the most advanced hemodialysis facilities in the city. Many patients with acute attacks of kidney failure have availed of the superior hemodialysis facilities available at Galaxy Hospital. We have a team of trained staff, who are on call all the time to assist patients with the hemodialysis procedure. A nephrologist is also on call to perform and supervise the process of hemodialysis.

Hemodialysis is indicated when the kidneys fail to perform their normal functions of eliminating wastes and salts from the body. Patients suffering from renal failure, nephrotic syndrome or autoimmune kidney disorders are likely to require regular hemodialysis. Hemodialysis performs the function of an artificial kidney when the patient’s kidneys are damaged.

The hemodialysis machine has a pump that controls the pressure with the blood flowing through the machine. A special solution is used during dialysis to process the blood and purify it well. At Galaxy Hospital, the hemodialysis procedure is performed under sterilized conditions. The machine is maintained from time to time to offer the best results. After every treatment session, the remaining solution that is left after purifying the blood is discarded. New dialyzer solutions and new needles are used for every patient who undergoes dialysis at Galaxy hospital. This nullifies the chances of contracting an infection from the dialysis machine.